Saturday, October 20, 2012

Wow, what a journey!! In May, 2012, we heard a missionary from Youth With a Mission who was present with Mercy Ships at the Togo screening. She showed pictures of approximately 5,000 people who were lined up for screening, desperate for medical care. Right then, God touched our hearts and we felt called to be a part of this ministry.

We have accepted positions onboard the Africa Mercy. Matt will work as the Program Security Officer.  In this position, he will oversee all security for off-ship functions.  Denise will initially work as a Steward, likely either in food service or housekeeping.

In September 2012, we began our training with a one-week orientation session at the International Operations Center (IOC) in Lindale, Texas. In January 2013, we will leave our home and travel back to the IOC to participate in a five-week comprehensive training session. Then, it's off to the Africa Mercy, currently docked in Conakry, Guinea. We have committed to two years of service on the ship.

We are strongly committed to the mission of Mercy Ships, "Bringing Hope and Healing to the World's Forgotten Poor." 

We truly value each and every one of you, whether you provide prayer support, financial support, or both. Thank you for joining us as partners in this journey. It would not be possible without you!!

We would love to hear from you, our email address is

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