Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Here we are today doing our best impression of human pin cushions!

Visited with a great physician and went over what immunizations we need.  Spent over 2 hours at the doctor's office.  By the time we left there we each had 6 injections, a TB test, I also had a blood draw to make sure one of my prior immunization series was still effective, and prescriptions for malaria preventatives.   Two more shots to go to finish our rabies (YES RABIES!) series, then a series of Typhoid oral immunizations. . . . never thought I'd be talking Yellow Fever, polio, the merits of oral or injectable Typhoid immunizations, etc!!

Although my arms hurt, so does the wallet. . . it appears insurance only covers 3 of the 7 immunizations.   Oh well we know this is God's plan so it will all work out!!

Please say a prayer for the people that God has planned to live in our house while we are gone. 

Looking forward to this weekend when my Dad stays with us for a couple nights and I get to go shooting with my son . . . gotta love it when a fundraiser for a Christian camp involves trap shooting!!


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