Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sunset . . .

I'm pondering today . . . we are reaching the sunset of our time in Guinea.  I know we have only been on the ship for 8 weeks, but it seems like we've been here much longer.  We have watched short term crew come and go, built friendships, said both welcome and goodbye . . . . I feel invested in the people but also in the community both on the ship and within the city of Conakry.  Yesterday was the last day of surgeries and the last day of operation of our off-site eye and dental clinics.  The hospital will still operate until Friday to allow recovery for the patients that need the time.  We've accomplished SO much here but only scratched the surface . . . it is a hollow feeling.  I know the people appreciate us and what we do, but when they ask "Why can't you stay?" it is heartbreaking.  For the people we weren't able to help, either because of their conditions or the sheer numbers of people needing help, they are likely condemned to never receiving treatment, many will die.  Yet we have to rest on the fact that literally thousands have been helped.  Why does that ring so hollow today??  I wonder if it will feel like this each time we get ready to leave a country?

We have watched conflict in this country.  Guinea is in an election period and this has caused strife among factions.  It has been hard as we meet local people on both sides of the issues.  We pray for them personally and for the whole country that they can peacefully resolve their differences, have an election that is fair and transparent, and that all factions can feel represented in government. 

When we first got here, the sunsets were clouded by haze, some said from Saharan winds carrying sand down.  Don't know if it is true, but is makes for a good story!!  However, winds have now changed and the sunsets are returning in a dramatic fashion.  Here are a couple pictures of last night's meeting of the ocean and the sun:

I hope that as the sun sets wherever you are tonight that you stop and appreciate the gifts in your life.  Not everyone is so richly blessed as us!! 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures! Thanks for keeping us updated on you!
