Tuesday, January 1, 2013

. . . And A Happy New Year!!

Here we sit on New Year's day, having completed Christmas celebrations on both sides of our family.  Each of our siblings (and several of our extended family) made it a priority this year to make sure they were at the celebrations, we can't tell you how much we appreciate their support!!

As we sat at the Sandin home in New Prague, Minnesota, last weekend, and the Tveite home in Bloomington, Minnesota, this weekend, surrounded by our family, we marveled at the love and harmony in both families.  We are truly privileged to call our families our friends!!  They would do anything for us, not out of obligation, but rather out of love.  How richly blessed we are!!

Time and again at both gatherings, we heard words such as "We are so proud of you!"  "What can we do to help?" "Your journey will be amazing!" and so forth . . .

It was hard, this morning, to leave the last gathering, knowing it was quite possibly the last time we would see many of these people for the next two years.  However, we left, lifted up by the fact that we have families that were raised knowing the importance of supporting and loving each other.  We left with certain knowledge that, no matter when we next see each other, that love and support travels with us, helping to make us the people we are.

To our siblings, cousins, nieces, and nephews, Thanks for your love and help.  (. . . but next year, please remember that calling us at midnight Central time to wish a Happy New Year will likely not be greeted happily!!)

To our parents, Well Done!!

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