We left Congo on May 28, travelled for 32 hours and got back to Minnesota on Thursday May 29. Our first few days were kinda blurry while we adjusted to a new/old time zone, but after about 3 days we were normal (as normal as we can be).
Our oldest son, Josh, picked us up at the airport and spent a couple days with us at Denise's parents' home. It was great to catch up with him and Jim and Geri.
On Sunday we were off to Colorado to catch up to youngest son Jake. He and a friend are on an extended bike trip during which they are increasing knowledge about (and raising funds for) Mercy Ships. We found them in Central Colorado and took them to the top of the mountains in Rocky Mountain National Park . . . shockingly, they wanted to bike down! We then spent a couple days with Denise's sister and moved on to Grand Junction where we say the Folkers family. It was great to see our friends, having missed them since January!
Since we returned to Minnesota, we've been on the move, seeing friends, giving talks, and yes Playing Golf!!!!!
We expected some challenges in "readjusting" to home. Surprisingly, it has gone very well, we've had few incidents of true challenges. I think it may have to do with the "Western" culture on the ship so we aren't totally removed from our "normal".
We will be in Minnesota until July 31, with trips for me and Josh to the boundary waters canoe area and a 4-day weekend at a resort with my extended family. We still have a few openings in the calendar so if you would like to get together, let us know!
I've attached a couple photos to give you an idea of some of the places we've been since coming home.
How else could you bike at 12,000 feet except wearing your best flannel??
Yes, the Twins won!!!
We will be here for another month, enjoying family, friends, and Minnesota activities. Then it is back to the Africa Mercy until March 2015 when that season of our life will be complete.